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Keyboard Input


initialization functions


key press/release handlers

convert scancode <=> letter

shortcuts handling functions

type defs

Initialization functions


>> Syntax:

void    keyboardInit(void);

>> Description:

initializes the keyboard driver by setting the keyboard buffer the current tty keyboard buffer, and default to the US keyboard layout.


>> Syntax:

void keyboardSetLayout(_kbdLayout layout);

>> Description:

Sets the keyboard layout to the provided layout (_kbdLayout).


>> Syntax:

void keyboardSetBuffer(_kbdBuffer buffer);

>> Description:

Sets the keyboard buffer to the provided buffer (_kbdBuffer).


>> Syntax:

void keyboardClearBuffer(void);

>> Description:

Clears the keyboard buffer.



>> Syntax:

char    *prompt(char *promtMessage, char *buffer);

>> Description:

Prompts the user with the provided message and waits for the user to enter a string of characters, which will be stored in the provided buffer.

>> Parameters:

  • promtMessage: The message to be displayed to the user.
  • buffer: The buffer to store the user input.

>> Returns:

The buffer containing the user input.

>> Note:


>> Syntax:

void interruptPrompting(void);

>> Description:

Interrupts the current prompting operation.

Key press/release handlers


>> Syntax:

void keyboardSetKeyPressHandler(onKeyPressHanlder handler);

>> Description:

Sets the key press handler to the provided handler (onKeyPressHanlder).


>> Syntax:

void keyboardSetKeyReleaseHandler(onKeyReleaseHanlder handler);

>> Description:

Sets the key release handler to the provided handler (onKeyReleaseHanlder).


>> Syntax:

void keyboardResetKeyPressHandler(void);

>> Description:

Resets the key press handler to the default handler (tty compatible).


>> Syntax:

void keyboardResetKeyReleaseHandler(void);

>> Description:

Resets the key release handler to the default handler (tty compatible).

Convert scancode <=> letter


>> Syntax:

uint8_t keyboardGetScancode(uint8_t letter);

>> Description:

Returns the scancode of the provided letter.


>> Syntax:

uint8_t keyboardGetLetter(uint8_t scancode);

>> Description:

Returns the letter of the provided scancode.

Shortcuts handling functions


>> Syntax:

void shortcutsReset(void);

>> Description:

Resets all the shortcuts.


>> Syntax:

void setShortcut(_shortcut shortcut, onShortcutHandler handler);

>> Description:

Sets the provided shortcut (_shortcut) to the provided handler (onShortcutHandler).

type defs


typedef struct kbdBuffer {
    uint8_t     buffer[MAX_KEYBOARD_BUFFER];
    uint32_t    index;
    uint32_t    size;
} _kbdBuffer;

>> Description:

The _kbdBuffer struct represents a keyboard buffer.

>> Fields:

  • uint8_t buffer[MAX_KEYBOARD_BUFFER]: the buffer to store the keyboard input.
  • uint32_t index: the current index in the buffer.
  • uint32_t size: the size of the buffer.


typedef void (*onKeyPressHanlder)(uint8_t);

>> Description:

The onKeyPressHanlder is a function pointer type that represents a key press handler.

>> Parameters:

  • uint8_t: pressed letter. (!= scancode)


typedef void (*onKeyReleaseHanlder)(uint8_t);

>> Description:

The onKeyReleaseHanlder is a function pointer type that represents a key release handler.

>> Parameters:

  • uint8_t: the scancode of the released key.


typedef struct shortcut {
    char                key;
    uint8_t             flagedModifiers;
    onShortcutHandler   handler;
} _shortcut;

>> Description:

The _shortcut struct represents a keyboard shortcut.

>> Fields:

  • char key: the key of the shortcut.
  • uint8_t flagedModifiers: the modifiers of the shortcut. (ctrl | alt | shift)
  • onShortcutHandler handler: the handler of the shortcut.


typedef void (*onShortcutHandler)(void);

>> Description:

The onShortcutHandler is a function pointer type that represents a shortcut handler.


typedef union kbdLayout {
    struct keyboardViews kbdV;
    uint8_t *views[2];
} _kbdLayout;

>> Description:

  • The _kbdLayout union represents a keyboard layout.
  • the keyboard layout can be accessed as a struct (keyboardViews) or as an array of uint8_t pointers.
  • keyboard layouts are declared in the keyboardDriver.c file.